Pottermore: a website made by J.K Rowling for extra content of the Harry Potter Universe.
Just so you know.
So, I clicked on the link and it said I had to sign up, I signed up and I got a bit confused as to why it was telling me to either revisit Harry's story or go on my own.
It didn't click that the choosing of the houses would be a part of the journey
And then it finally did.
If I remember the right sequence of events, I had to go to Gringotts bank and get my gallons and whatnot.
After that, I got a list of things that were required of first-years, but I didn't have to spend my time going around looking for these things as the basic things were already bought for me.
(Can I just say that I made a promise to myself to answer every question as honest as possible.)
I had to get an animal (owl, cat or toad) and damn, I never expected it to be so difficult to choose between a cat and an owl before.
But I did.
(I chose an owl for practicality.)
Then I went off to get my wand, I believe.
This is the first quiz as you answer a few questions.
The questions were things like, "What colour are your eyes?", "How tall are you?" and then it went to things like, "Travelling alone down a deserted road, you come to a crossroads, do you continue...?" and "Which do you most fear...?"
(These are multiple choice questions.)
Here's what I entered:
Here's the link to the questions that this quiz contains:
And as I write this, I just found out the meaning behind the wood the wands are made out of and the core in the wand.
Look at Phoenix answer, look at the Alder wood answer.
But it irritates me that I was half an inch closer to rarer wand since 15 inch wands are rare and I just got a 14 and a half inch.
And then I went to the Great Hall for the Sorting ceremony.
I was so nervous for this because I wanted to be in a good house.
I was taking every question so literal that I was making it overly complicated for myself.
So, the questions were like a personality test.
I was often put in different scenarios that made me pick a path to go down, like picking between the sea, the forest or a castle and asking me what I would choose to make a potion for; love, glory, wisdom, ect. and it also asked me "Which would I rather be?" and the options were; envied, imitated, trusted, praised, liked or feared. I'm pretty sure that I forgot one option but all the more reason to be excited for the quiz itself...a pretty poor reason, I know.
And after all the complications and over-thinking I did, I FINALLY got to that moment where I would find out what house I'd be in.
The tension?
I got into:
I was dancing and sheez.
I thought I was going to end up in Hufflepuff.
No offense to Hufflepuff (okay, who am I kidding, just saying "No offense" doesn't remove the offense.)
I mean, even if I did get into Hufflepuff, I'd probably go through the five steps of grieving.
Me: I'm in Hufflepuff?
Me: Please, not Hufflepuff!!
Me: Just leave me alone!
Me: Okay....okay....fine.
That was, uh, a very dramatic imagining...
I read the welcoming message and I felt all happy inside.
It was a long message, but it was funny. Especially this part.
Of course, I'm proud to be a Slytherin!
(#SlytherinPride #ProudToBeASlytherin #SlytherinAndProud)
- Merlin was a Slytherin.
- Draco Malfoy is a Slytherin (although that's a more secret thing I find happiness in because he may or may not have been my childhood crush....which is weird for me to admit on the internet. #ScrewPansyParkinson)
- Dem greens and silvers, doh.
- "Because you know what Salazar Slytherin looked for in his chosen students? The seeds of greatness. You've been chosen by this house because you've got the potential to be great, in the true sense of the word." Once again...
I'm now very curious to read what the other house's welcoming messages are, to see if they took little shots at the other houses.
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